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Task Two



    Welcome to your second task. This week I want you to create a   design taking advantage of this tasks special twist.  I will remove  

 any black dividing pixel lines of your choosing from your creation.

 Be strategic and smart on how you go around this. 

  Below is a simple example of what this task offers. Best of luck`*+ 




Intriguing take on the task. The mix of these various components created an adorable silhouette. What it lacks is character. I wish it had a more dominant palette. Even making it full white would have a bigger impact. Right now it looks dull and pedestrian.


set 1.png


I adore the red and the idea behind this. Unfortunately that idea isn't expressed that well. The various textures and shades have a lot of potential but in this current outfit they just look confusing. I wish it was more clear to the eye.


set 2.png


An excellent showing with mesmerizing graphics and shapes. 

You exceeded in utilizing the potential of this task, especially combining it with the shaded vertical lines that meld throughout the outfit.

A showstopping creation.

Keep it up.


set 3.png


Quite the bold move to mix different colours together unlike the rest of the cast and it worked out really well in your favour. A gorgeous palette mixed in very compelling shapes.

I am a fan so keep doing what you're doing.


set 1.png


Without the task specifics this outfit would have been a disaster. Mixing the graphics together transforms this into a masterpiece. I really enjoy this playfully bold side of you. Keep surprising me.


set 2.png


Not a bad outfit to look at but in the end it lacks ingenuity. It just feels like a more sophisticated version of the example outfit. I want you to stop playing it safe and go all out guns blazing.

Surprise me next week please.


set 3.png


A nice clean outfit with a gorgeous palette. I do enjoy the play on skin tone to enhance the outfit which you've done quite well. When it comes to using this tasks advantage, I feel like thats where you're lacking. The blending does make the white stand out but when you look closely you can see all these imperfections which take away from the general attitude of this outfit. Also your shoe choice is questionable which I did not expect from your design.


set 2.png


intriguing way to take advantage of this task to create some new graphics. I enjoy the clean athletic take on the outfit and the palette is a huge improvement from last task. The walking pose is a great way to highlight the pants in a new light.

I thoroughly enjoyed this outfit. 


set 1.png


The outfit stands out from the rest which is very expectable from a Barbuda original. I like the attitude of this, especially the two bold red lines. As for the melded section, the patterns fit nicely but in the end it looks too clean and blob like. I wish it had something more to break the monotony.


set 2.png


A very direct if not simple take on the task. But (butt) in this case it works really well. The removal of the border highlights the gorgeous graphics (and butt). I do see a similar error like last week with having a disconnected design on your head correlating with the outfit but i don't mind it as much here. Keep improving for the best.


set 3.png

We part with the exceptional designer


You bring a fresh perspective to this game but in the end one of you had to go and this week its you.


Congratulations   marrelpunk  for

steamrolling the competition this week.     Xenid was the only one who almost beat you to first place. For the rest of you learn from your mistakes and for the love of

 Miranda Priestly don't play it safe.



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