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Task Eight

A pigment of your imagination

 We're almost there designers. Welcome to your eighth task.

Below I have prepared a few colour palettes using habbo colours.

You get to pick one of them.

(no other designer will be able to use the palette you pick so be decisive and strategic).

You then have to divide the palette between TWO outfits. You either go 4/1 or 3/2. The outfits don't have to be cohesive. You are allowed to use items that can't change colour. This is your last chance to impress me and move on to finale.

Good luck designers`*+ 



This was the perfect palette for your brand. I don't like both outfits equally. The first is one of my favourite outfits you've done this season. The simple concept of the repeated graphic is phenomenal.

The second is still a nice commercial outfit but it lacks the focus

you show with the first. With a spectacular performance throughout the season I can't wait to see what you bring to the finale.





You got so close  marrelpunk  But you couldn't quite reach it

There has never been a designer with such raw talent quite as you. i am saddened to see you go

Congratulations on making it to the finale you three. You've all designed collections before so you know the silent rules behind them. study the past and move on from it. Create something that puts the past collections to shame. I have no doubt that you can do it.  


I should learn by now to expect the unexpected with your designs. You took a palette focused task and made it into a silhouette task. I equaly like both outfits from the shiny shoes full of texture on a clean crisp outfit to the organic dance of fabrics with tiny hints of orange. You've yet again changed the concept of this game with your creations this entire season. Finale welcomes you


The palette fits your trademark quite nicely. Out of the two outfits, I find the second one to be more enticing. The over-layering is intriguing with hints of the bright cyan peeking through. The pink dress is new. I'll give you that but I personally think it's very unflattering and awkward. There's something about its length and balance that feels incorrect.

You have achieved so much in such short time with these longterms. 

Unfortunately compared to this talent packed top 4, you don't get to display on the finale. 


A marvelous display of versatility and talent. The play on chaotic texture and tone makes the first outfit out of this world.  You can't deny the appeal of your second outfit. These two reflect on why you deserve to be here and these are the reason you get a guaranteed ticket to finale.

Stay focused, learn from your mistakes and you will achieve greatness in this game.




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