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Task Six

Formless Improvisation

Welcome to your sixth task designers. Trying to embody the artistic genre of "Installation Art", OstrichCurtains has prepared three sets for us. These sets will act as a direct inspiration for your designs this week.


 This week we also have a good old fashioned face-off challenge. Each set will be assigned to 2 of you where in the end your designs will be compared and a winner will be announced. The winners will earn a custom set for the next task whereas the losers will have to do with the  default sets. Good luck designers+*`

Mind Palace Theatre

Majesteux vs Marrelpunk


parfume hangover

Xenid vs Herbymainsted


fossil / reverse monolith

corlay vs barbuda


This is the end for   herbymainsted 

Starting this game as an underestimated underdog, you've shown everyone just what threat you can really be. 

Congrats  marrelpunk  on your second win. 

This is where this game gets serious.

Every mistake will be evaluated, every risk will be appreciated.

wow i just rapped.

I fail to understand this. it's not a bad outfit. it's not new and exciting either. There is no connection to the set behind you. It almost looks invasive and out of place. This was not the week to go for a commercial take on the outfit


An outfit full of punch and attitude. Another great example of your ever-changing personal style and growth.

Presenting an idea in the most direct way possible without bedazzling it for the common viewer.  Lovely play on shape and texture especially highlighted with your decision

not to rely on a palette.


This was the comeback you needed. The set marinated well with your personal style. Balancing a lot of colours in various graphical textures is your forte. The outfit almost acts like a camouflage here.

Mei "The Bridesmaid" Xenid is still on the frontline of this competition.


Your palette game has improved immensely. What you need to work on is balancing the silhouette and knowing when you have enough. Less is more, especially in this case. The inner dress is incredible but you cant focus on it with that dominating jacket, the distracting necktie and the random earrings. In a top 6 situation where everyone is on a high skill level I have to look for every mistake.


Is this outfit groundbreaking? No. 

Is it adorable and great for this task?

Most definitely. As I said this outfit won't win any awards on ingenuity but on a pretentious conceptual task like this, you had the right idea.

You might have lost this face-off but overall your set is the best out of

the three here.


An outfit that stands as a direct nod to the set around you. Showing a masterful skill in the mid-movement style here, the perfect alignment is what holds this outfit together. The palette is soft and fitting.

The earring is unneeded. 




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